Disclaimers & Policies

Do Not Reproduce Disclaimer

You may not copy, link, reproduce, distribute, publish, display, modify, create derivative works, or in any way exploit any such content, without written permission. To make a media or content request, please email us dartma@northamptonma.gov.

Federal Funding Disclaimer

This website is funded in part, through a grant from the Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Abuse Program (COSSAP award 2020-AR-BX-0088), Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. Neither the U.S. Department of Justice nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse, this Web site (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). This project and publication was also supported by awards from National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA award 1H79TI084557-01)This website contents are solely the responsibility of the authors, City of Northampton Public Health Department, and do not necessarily represent the official views of the above named grantors.

Data Privacy Policy

Protecting your private information is our priority. This privacy notice applies to the DART website (dartma.org) and our proprietary Case Management System (CMS) that collects, uses, shares, and safeguards data collection. By using dartma.org's CMS, you consent to the data practices described in this notice. In the event we determine the occurrence of a data security incident, we will notify you within 72 hours by email, U.S. mail, telephone, or other means as permitted by law.

Collection of your Personal Information

We do not collect or store any personal identifying data while visiting or interacting with our public content. DART Team members, whom have been properly trained will have login access to our secured CMS.

User ID and Passwords

The Case Management System provides additional security measures. This requires the use of a user ID, password, name, or email address. To help you protect your privacy, this site has tools to help you log in, log out, and reset password.


After a successful CMS login and authentication, a session cookie is created on the local device to temporarily collect the access token that validates the browser connectivity. This is a unique digital signature used to ensure the session has not expired or been interrupted. In the event of 20 minutes of continued browser inactivity (as in you walk away from device or stop typing in browser window), the token will automatically expire, log the user out of the CMS, and delete the browser cookie. If your device blocks or disables cookies, functionality of our site will continue to operate as expected.

How we Protect Personal Data

The CMS system is HIPAA compliant. We use commercially reasonable security measures to help protect against unauthorized access to or unauthorized alteration, disclosure, or destruction of data. Each authorized user has a Team Member Profile where email address, First name, Last name, cell phone number.  The CMS may use this stored Profile information to send personalized electronic mail and text notifications to DART Team members, dependent upon their role.

Linking to Other Internet Sites

DART may include links to our partner and websites. These affiliated and vetted websites are not within our control and may not follow the same privacy, security, or accessibility polices. Once you link to another site, you are subject to the policies of that site. To ensure your privacy is protected, we recommend that you review the privacy statements of these other linked sites, applications, or other digital platforms.

Sharing Information with Third Parties

DART does not sell, rent, or lease its data to third parties. We restrict access to personal data to DART system administration staff and authorized DART Team members. Role based permissions define who can view or edit case files within the CMS. These individuals and partner organizations are prohibited from using your personal information and bound by confidentiality obligations and HIPAA protocols which are subject to discipline, including termination, and criminal prosecution if they fail to meet these obligations.

Contact Information

If you have questions, comments, or complaints concerning our data practices or if you wish to change, access, or remove your personal data, please contact us by email or in writing. We will attempt, where practical, to respond to your requests and to provide you with additional privacy related information.


City of Northampton, Department of Health and Human Services

212 Main Street, Northampton, MA 01060


Policy updated 3/15/2022