DART supports several types of trainings for community responders, first responders, and community stakeholders including businesses and municipal departments.
Team Training
DART provides in-person and online training, co-training community responders, first responders as well as community partners, to provide a shared understanding of the DART model and collaborative approach.
These co-trainings are critical to provide a holistic perspective and increase understanding of the resources (treatment, diversion, peer support, harm reduction) and obstacles related to supporting people who use drugs and their family members. They also allow the DART program response to understand and evolve based on unique community needs and capacity.
Team technical assistance
The DART Administrative team provides a hub to connect DART team members with support when they experience challenging situations in their engagement with community members impacted by substance use disorder.
Experienced DART team leads can be called on to advise and support outreach efforts for outreach in complex cases, support protocol development by first responders, and inform how to engage with community stakeholders.
DART can provide training for community stakeholders including business, municipal partners, and community members on diverse topics including:
Physiology of addiction
Narcan administration, overdose reversal and harm reduction
Grief support resources
Recovery supports and pathways
Recovery supportive workplace tools and strategies
More about DART
DART operates under the umbrella of the City of Northampton Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). It originated in response to the work of the Hampshire Hope coalition, a program out of the DHHS, and a regional leader in working collaboratively with community stakeholders to respond to substance use disorder.
DART is committed to continuing to convene community partners to identify how DART can best meet the needs of individual communities along with local resource providers.
DART brings a public health lens to supporting people, families and businesses impacted by addiction.
For Upcoming Events
Addiction 101
Harm reduction philosophy and practices
Medication for opioid use disorder, and other recovery pathways
Communication, stigma, and implicit bias
Polysubstance use
Narcan administration and leave behind
Future trainings
Fentanyl test strip use and leave behind
EMS outreach
Meeting the needs of diverse populations
Community Responders (CTR’s) attend monthly training to stay current on programmatic needs, and review best practices
Topics Include:
Specialized training for organizations such as emergency departments and behavioral health care providers.
To Request NARCAN
To request FREE Narcan from the City of Northampton
This includes an understanding of evidence-based practices, and that health outcomes can be significantly impacted by factors such as access to Narcan, harm reduction and treatment services, trauma informed practices, and stigma reduction.
DART’s work is guided by an advisory council composed of multi-disciplinary representatives. Advisory council members provide informed perspectives based on their own lived experience, and as stakeholders who represent expressed needs within their communities.